Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Parashat Vayetze, 5775/2014 edition

I have nothing new to say at the moment, so here's a link to my previous Vayetze posts.

~ Rav Shai Held reminds us that "you cannot 'spin' your way out of moral responsibility . . . "

~ Conservadox wonders where's the salvation that HaShem kept promising to our ancestors.

Stay tuned--I hope to post more links.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014 update:

~ Rav Shlomo Riskin, citing Yaakov (Jacob) and Rachel as models, writes about the important of love in marriage.

6:40 PM update:

~ I haven't even read the divrei Torah from YCT yet, but I thought I'd better add a link to them now, before I  forget--I've had yet another long day of correcting and reformatting the document that I thought I'd finished last week, and am just now getting ready to leave the office.

I wish my American readers a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.


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